Thursday, September 8, 2011

Trying to buy a condo with cash . . . . our cash

So the scumbag approached a Toronto real estate agent and wanted to buy a condo using cash.

I guess Rev Canada should hear about this one.
So much paperwork, so little time
Rev Can is starting to hear from me more and more

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mina Stefan 'non nude" model . . . ya right

I love reading "Mina - Vida's" blog posts.
It is amazing that she advertises that she is a non nude model but presently she is selling nude photos of herself in Mexico for only $75.00
She is about as honest as her husband.

She is now begging for more stuff and posts a want list on Amazon.
Basically the more you spend on her the better the pictures or videos you will receive.
I guess prostitution is not illegal on the internet.