Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Find Matthew on twitter :!/Kapowagency
Only re-tweets, funny that there are no original thoughts in that little brain.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Poor, poor Matthew
We tracked you down again and ruined yet another attempt at scamming a local business.

His newest company name is:
Ka-Pow Agency, he had a blog until yesterday :)
Funny how it disappeared almost as fast as it appeared
The site was full of stolen trademarks, I do have a full copy of the site should anyone I contacted want to prosecute.

He has also registered the domain name:
This was registered using a phoney Ottawa address and listed a Toronto zip code
Perhaps he actually has one friend in the world, the address belongs to:
Kostiner, R. (613) 728-4503

The email address associated with the web site is:
Feel free to email him as this is a live email address.